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1. Read. Always one step ahead of the market!

After the successful development of YEMCHAIN, DIGITAL EXCHANGE, DIGITAL WALLET and PERNUMPAY as well as many other successful services since 2011, this project as part of YEMCONOMY enables you to use a digital payment method as a marketing tool and to win new customers!

SHOPPING COMPASS is based on YEM (Your Everyday Money) and enables small and medium-sized companies to achieve more financial independence by building an independent business circle. Fast, secure and affordable transactions, value stability and an authority-friendly concept protect YEM from crippling regulations from the start. These facts predict high growth potential for YEM.

YEM is the world's first digital currency that combines all the advantages of a cryptocurrency with those of conventional fiat money.

The current value is $25000.00 per 1 YEM.

2. Lead. Unleash the Power and Increase your sales.

YEM protects your profits from inflation and loss of value. What you need now is a service that will help you earn YEM and show your offers to the appropriate audience. SHOPPING COMPASS is one such service.

Start gaining new customers and Website/Store visitors with SHOPPING COMPASS. And on top YEM helps you to save Dollars/Euros. Use it as everyday money to pay for goods and services from other businesses.

Hard to believe, but true - your listing at SHOPPING COMPASS is 100% free of charge and works like an classified ad! You simply invest into the product/service you offer for YEM payment.

Show that you are an innovative leader and take your business to the next level. Enter your company in the index of this search engine today.

Try here how your advertisement will look like and find your customers.

This video explains you how to get started.

Your Benefits. This is what you get at SHOPPING COMPASS:

  • The free publication of classified ads for YEM deals
  • Free flow of visitors to your website or to your shop, restaurant, café, etc.
  • Unlimited amount - upload as many deals as you want
  • 1 image per offer
  • Access to a worldwide customer network
  • Intelligent search functions (including the respective national language)
  • Up to 10 additional keywords possible for each individual deal
  • Simple sharing tools for a quick dissemination of your offers
We also offer:
  • All deals with 100% YEM payment are also published by SHOPPING COMPASS in our Telegram channel.
  • Shops that offer more than 10 deals with 100% YEM payment will also receive a free promotional video, which can be published on our YouTube channel and shared on any social media channels, websites and blogs.
  • Shops that offer more than 25 deals with 100% YEM payment are highlighted on the SHOPPING COMPASS home page in a separate section.

Regular Price: 0.002000 YEM (= USD 49.99) per Classified

Currently available at:

0.00 YEM


Early Birds don't need to pay any upgrade plan. Your Classifieds are free forever!

FAQ. Frequently Asked

  • What is YEM?
  • YEM (Your Everyday Money) is the name of the trading coin for a digital currency, the Rainbow Currency.
    You can find out all the details about the YEM here.
  • How much does this service cost?
  • All SHOPPING COMPASS services are 100% free of charge - both for providers and for YEM customers. Read the disclaimer.
  • What do I have to do as a merchant or service provider to publish my offer in the SHOPPING COMPASS?
  • Create your classifieds here and send it in for review.
  • Can I get a Demo preview for my ads?
  • Yes, click here and create your Demo ad.
  • Why should I offer YEM as a payment option to my customers?
  • Please read the introduction for advertisers here.
  • How to upload a YEM deal?
  • In order to start with the creation of your YEM deal classified you have 3 optional ways. Watch this video for details.
  • Can I edit or remove my ads?
  • Yes, you can edit or remove your ads at any time as often as you want.
  • Where can I manage my ads?
  • Log into your Backoffice at and navigate to your Business Area. There you have access to edit and remove your ads.
  • Why is this service for free?
  • Our mission is not to sell advertisement space, but to establish YEM as a means of everyday payment.
  • What are the requirements for a digital payment system?
  • Please watch this video.
  • How does the payment process with YEM work?
  • Earning YEM has never been easier than it is today! Check out this video to see how quickly, easily and safely you can collect YEM. You'll be amazed!
  • Do I need a business license in order to publish a YEM deal with SHOPPING COMPASS?
  • Yes, a business license is one of our tools for managing our high quality standard.
  • Where to submit my business license?
  • After you sucessfully created your account, you choose BUSINESS as a membership status. Thus you are allowed to upload and submit your business license in your profile section at
  • Does SHOPPING COMPASS require a share in my sales?
  • No. The use of SHOPPING COMPASS is 100% free of charge.
  • If the use of SHOPPING COMPASS is free for customers and businesses, how is it possible that up to 100USD in YEM are paid in commissions for consultant activities?
  • The consultant commissions come from the SHOPPING COMPASS marketing budget.
If you want to read more or ask your own question, please login to your backoffice.

FREE CONSULTATION. Get to know and appreciate SHOPPING COMPASS for your marketing! Choose these two options individually or both at the same time. The consultation via email takes place immediately, while contact through a consultant depends on the currently available capacities.

Subscribe to the email WIZZARD,
which gives you a complete overview of the most important functions of the SHOPPING COMPASS and explains the benefits of the YEM money to you. Free of charge and with no obligation!

Request a free consultation.
An accredited SHOPPING COMPASS Marketing Consultant will contact you
as soon as capacity is available.
This service is of course free and non-binding!

1-Minute-DemoDesign your ad and get a brief preview without obligation!

SEO Service. What SHOPPING COMPASS Users are searching for...:

Check out the Top 10 keywords from our users.

Last 7 Days Yem offers
Last 14 Days computers, Yem offers
Last 4 Weeks Reise, computers, Yem offers
Most Popular Cars, Car, Iphone, Phone , laptop, Twinkle cars, Mobile phone, electronics, Auto, computers
Top Languages English, Spanish, German, French, Czech, Slovak, Russian, Italian, Arabic, Polish
Top Countries Global, Germany, Ghana, Cote D'Ivoire, Italy, Uganda, Czech Republic, United States, India, Mexico
Top Categories Technology, Kitchen / Gourmet, Advertising / Marketing, Digital Products, Health / Wellness, Finance / Insurance / Investment, Education / Training, Donation / Charity, Gastronomy, Art / Collectibles