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Ich unterstütze Menschen, einschränkende Gewohnheiten & Verhaltensweisen zu verändern und los zu lassen ... damit das Leben leichter wird.
- RAUCHFREI werden
- Leicht und gesund ABNEHMEN
- ANGSTfrei leben
Wissen Sie schon, dass Raucher mit jedem Lungenzug mehr als 3000 Schadstoffe einatmen?
Wissen Sie auch, dass Raucher eine um 10 Jahre verkürzte Lebenserwartung haben?
Vielleicht wissen Sie, dass mit dem Rauchen aufzuhören ganz einfach ist?
UST offers an all-encompassing solution for various events, including concerts, fashion shows, sports events, variety shows, conferences, and more. Stock available at PERNUM Multi Wallet (Assets). Tradeable at
Providing comprehensive online directory solutions including job and business directories. Helping individuals + businesses easily find and connect with the resources they need. Available at PERNUM Multi Wallet (Assets). Trade at
ICE invests in disruptive projects across water, wind, solar, and hydrogen energy sectors, encompassing the production, storage, and distribution of energy. Stock available at PERNUM Multi Wallet (Assets). Tradeable at
Digital Network International AB offers advanced services in cyber security, customer verification (KYC), consumer loyalty programs, asset tokenization, and member management. Available at PERNUM Multi Wallet (Assets). Trade at
Invest in the Future of Mining!
+ VMT Holding, Inc. – Your gateway to global mining projects!
+ VMT token = 1 share
+ 200 million tokens available
+ 10,000 investors worldwide!
Your Everday Money (= YEM) was created to be used for everyday purposes. We are proud that so many holders are already using it for private and commercial payments.
These cover paying bills, buying private goods, renting things, and much more.
Any business can basically accept YEM as a means of payment (if local laws allow it) and it is up to each holder to decide where and how YEM can be used..
So this list is not complete!
Our goal is to create a dynamic and growing list of businesses around the world which accept YEM as payment. Soon enough you can pay with YEM around the corner.
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